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22 February 2022 | 10:00am  Sydney time  | Names of Co-host and partners | Webinar


Organisations recognize the need to build healthy communities by engaging and acting on the needs of their citizens who are now demanding for flexible, insightful services – delivered across channels. However, many councils often lack a full or holistic view of their citizens & they are looking for solutions that will empower personnel to make smarter decisions across the entire customer lifecycle, drive greater citizen intimacy & enhanced service experience.

This sponsor has been collaborating with several local & state governments’ across Australia and NZ to solve these challenges. Through the unified architecture, a single source of truth & ML/AI capabilities Oracle Application Suite for Councils help cities better manage and leverage data to engage citizens, modernize outdated infrastructure, and automate financial management to improve efficiencies.

Join us for an expert forum session featuring speaker one sharing their digital transformation journey. Interact with industry peers & learn about the technologies and approaches that can unlock greater ROI and improve services across different departments, and your city as a whole.


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  • Welcome
  • Topic one title goes here
  • Topic two title goes here
  • Q&A

Who should attend

  • List of groups of people
  • Product managers, process managers.
  • Machinery engineers
  • etc

Key speakers

Speaker One |  Account Director | Oracle
This is where a brief description of speaker one will go. Should we link this person to their LinkedIn profile? It would seem for credible if we did.


Speaker Two |  Account Director | Company Name
This is where a brief description of speaker one will go. Should we link this person to their LinkedIn profile? It would seem for credible if we did.

This event will be hosted by Geoff Hird, Managing Director at WF Media. Geoff has over 30 years’ experience in technology and industrial business-to-business media. Geoff keeps a close eye on industry trends and developments, especially in terms of technology disruption.

Hosted by

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