

WFevents is the ‘face2face’ division of Westwick-Farrow Media, bringing our readers, website members, vendors, manufacturers and distributors together for quality, content-rich events. Personal contact is still an exceptionally important part of doing business, and the established relationship we have with our industry communities provides the perfect platform for specialised, tailored event offerings.

Bringing together those who select, purchase, install and maintain professional and commercial radio communications and public safety equipment for use across the region.

Now in its 12th year, Comms Connect is recognised as the major conference and expo for radio comms professionals in the Southern Hemisphere. Serious buyers with significant budgets from a broad range of industries, from marine and aviation to mining and emergency services, visit the event to network with their peers, learn from industry leaders, keep up to date with technology, catch up with existing suppliers and importantly, find new suppliers.

Comms Connect exhibitions and conferences run each year in Melbourne, Sydney and Auckland. The events are endorsed and supported by ARCIA and RFUANZ. For more details go to

Custom Events

WF Media can tailor an event to your company’s specific needs, whether your target market is involved in the IT, electronics, electrical, automation and control, industrial, food, safety, communications or environmental sector.

We have a great relationship with industry communities, and we know how to plan, facilitate and market a successful event. Why not let us run your next customer prospecting event — whether it be a breakfast, lunch or workshop/seminar. From 10 to 50 attendees, we can get your team face to face with some fresh, targeted prospects. We offer a range of options, from full event planning, marketing and on-site logistics to just delegate marketing campaigns via eDM and personal VIP invites to our audience members.

To see details on an event we ran for Epicor at Café Sydney in February 2019 see


For expo and sponsorship options at the next Comms Connect event, contact Geoff Hird on +61 2 9487 2700 or email

For event enquiries, email