WF Media has been producing print and digital media for WHS professionals across Australia for over 13 years. In 2017 we partnered with key industry body, the NSCA Foundation. The alliance sees WF Media and its Safety Solutions media brand now producing the NSCA Foundation’s flagship publication, National Safety. The member-based, non-profit NSCA Foundation is Australia’s leading safety community, recently celebrating 90 years of keeping Australian workers and businesses safe and sustainable for the future.
Published four times a year the magazine reaches an audience of over 9,400 targeted industry and business professionals. Each issue offers detailed news, analyses, case studies and best practice insights into health & safety applications in Australian workplaces.
The Safety Solutions digital media group delivers an opt-in audience of industrial, government and commercial safety professionals via a dedicated industry website, SafetySolutions.net.au and a weekly eNewsletter. The Safety Solutions editorial, design and marketing team also now produces National Safety magazine for the NSCA Foundation, plus their fortnightly Safe-T-Bulletin eNewsletter.
With 10,580 unique members, the Safety Solutions media channel delivers an opt-in audience of industrial and commercial workplace health & safety professionals across Australia, including:
- Management/Directors
- WHS officers & managers
- Safety management
- Education & training
- Plant & operation management
The majority of this highly targeted group engage with more than one of our media platforms each and every month.
Our opt-in members work in a broad range of sectors, including:
- Manufacturing
- Construction
- Mining
- Professional services
- Education
- Transport
- Agriculture
- Infrastructure
- Health & medical
- Government